Welcome to the Malawi Kwacha exchange rate & live currency converter page. The Malawi Kwacha (MWK) exchange rates represented on this page are live, updated every minute within the forex market's ...
Q: What is the Dollar worth against the Malawi Kwacha? A: One Dollar is worth 1732.7818 Malawi Kwacha today Q: Is the Dollar going up or down against the Malawi Kwacha? A: Today's exchange rate ...
A bitter dispute between the Malawi government and civil servants has reached a boiling point, with the Civil Servants Trade Union of Malawi (CSTUM) and the Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) announcing a ...
In reality, only MK150 million has been made available. Chakwera lied in his recent Sona that Lake Malawi belongs entirely belongs to Malawi when his minister, Moses Kunkuyu was publicly seen ...