HMS Albion, meanwhile, will be put into extended readiness for three years, followed by a refit before working up and taking over from Bulwark as the fleet flagship once more in 2016.
Two amphibious landing ships (HMS Albion and Bulwark – LPDs), two Wave-class tankers from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) and one Type 23 Frigate. They were all old, some were in poor repair and ...
HMS Albion and Bulwark are reportedly being sold to a foreign navy - and the South West Devon MP has grilled a defence minister for more details. Rebecca Smith MP asked Minister of State for ...
News reports have suggested that HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark could be retired to free up sailors for other vessels, amid a recruitment crisis. The ships are two of the Royal Navy's amphibious ...
HMS Albion and Bulwark are reportedly being sold to a foreign navy - and the South West Devon MP has grilled a defence minister for more details. Rebecca Smith MP asked Minister of State for Defence ...