Visits to 53 stores that sell vaping products in Wood County showed that most shops place e-cigarettes within reach and ...
Social media users were amazed by the plant's transformation, with one saying: "This should be used in a national ad campaign ...
Indiana’s current cigarette tax is 99.5 cents per pack, and a perennial proposal would raise it to $2 a pack. A fiscal ...
When a proposal has both a fiscal and health upside, you would think it would be popular. But pushes to raise Indiana’s ...
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to tax e-cigarettes would also ban any vape products not approved by the FDA, treating ...
There is an extreme fire danger on Friday across Green Country and FOX23 wants to keep you informed about what you need to ...
Electronic devices rely on materials whose electrical properties change with temperature, making them less stable in extreme ...
A bill would make Oregon one of a few states to ban the sweet or fruity products, which often are ingested through vaping or sucking on packets.
Are e-cigarettes safer to smoke than real cigarettes? Do warmer climates shorten your lifespan? Doctors Idries and Jamil Abdur-Rahman answer your health questions and debunk medical myths.
Background Cigarette smoking contributes to lung remodelling in chronic ... vimentin and collagen type I and the epithelial markers E-cadherin, ZO-1 and cytokeratin 5 and 18 by real time-PCR and ...
The lorry was parked in a layby near Annan when a group of men threatened the driver Hundreds of e-cigarettes have been stolen from a lorry parked in a layby in Dumfries and Galloway. A group of ...