All "new GM" animals must be examined for intended and unintended effects to protect animals, health and nature – Testbiotech ...
A majority of EU member states have spoken out in favour of less stringent genetic engineering rules, the EU Council ...
Hoping to stave off a global health crisis, scientists are breeding a new generation of crops that suck the mineral, which ...
Colossal Biosciences has focused on identifying key traits of extinct animals by studying ancient DNA, with a goal to genetically "engineer them into living animals," said CEO Ben Lamm.
Researchers are using gene editing techniques to introduce beneficial traits like polled and disease resistance, as well as ...
Using modern genetic engineering techniques, they've created mice with long, thick hair that resembles the scruff of the extinct woolly mammoth. It's unclear how their efforts benefit so-called ...
To protect thousands of varieties of Mexico's prized heirloom corn, leaders vote to amend the constitution to ban the ...
The company’s name is inspired by the Manhattan Project, according to Emily Mullin of Wired, who spoke with the startup’s ...