I’ve said this before: I’m no eye-cream evangelist. I’m a firm believer that your regular moisturizer should work just fine for the skin under your eyes as long as it isn’t too heavy and ...
Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right. Compiled by Jeremy Engle How do these journalists craft arguments to compel ...
In June, 100 pupils from the first through sixth grades at two elementary schools in Minakami town, Gunma Prefecture, underwent health checkups. Several of the children later complained about what ...
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Substance withdrawal is the process the body goes through after discontinuing or reducing the amount of an addictive substance (e.g., nicotine, alcohol, opiates, and other drugs ... Individuals may ...
Drugs under international control include amphetamine-type stimulants, coca/cocaine, cannabis, hallucinogens, opiates and sedative hypnotics ... for people who use drugs to seem confused, have red ...