As well as protecting the monkeys from death, the treatment also evoked an immune response. Senior author Dr Thomas Geisbert ...
More than 50 people have died in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, most within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. Initial analysis suggests neither Ebola nor Marburg is the cause.
Rarely if ever does a newspaper headline include the words “crisis averted,” yet, that is what investments in development ...
Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, which eerily predicted the kind of zoonotic virus outbreaks that we're seeing ...
March 6, 2025 The Ebola outbreak in Uganda has worsened significantly ... of awards there is no longer programming, so the future outlook now is concerning and that is what we are hearing from ...
Scientists have found that an oral antiviral drug successfully prevents monkeys from dying after an Ebola infection, an advance that may prevent future outbreaks of the deadly virus. At such a ...
Tanzania declared an outbreak of the Ebola-like Marburg disease in January, and in December, Rwanda announced its own outbreak of Marburg was over. Emerging pathogens: what does the future hold?
So we restored the Ebola prevention immediately ... This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative ...
Future outbreaks may be reported too late or ... have been declared by the WHO. The number of Ebola outbreaks is escalating, and climate change will intensify the emergence and spread of known ...
In reality, as an Ebola outbreak continues in Uganda ... While the WHO was able to step in, Spencer worries about future incidents without robust US global public health funding and infrastructure ...