Eagles are gorgers, meaning they eat until their crop is completely full. They then rest while it digests. Much like the ...
Since hatching, Jackie and Shadow’s three eagle chicks have spent time eating, tumbling, thriving and ‘bonking’ in the family nest near Big Bear Lake.
On first inspection, the Cuban blue-headed quail dove doesn't look like much: drab brown feathers, a slender beak, and a ...
Once believed to be a threatened species in Pennsylvania, saw-whets are actually more common than previously thought.
Jackie and Shadow are now the proud parents of two eaglets who have hatched as thousands tune in to a livestream of an eagle ...
But Regis, the resident bald eagle at Three Rivers Avian Center in Brooks, Summers County, had a surprise in store for the ...
Fedak demonstrated how an ultra-violet light was used to age the owls. Saw-whet wing feathers contain a pigment ... Mark Nale, who lives in the Bald Eagle Valley, is a member of the Pennsylvania ...
Jennifer Elgee submitted this gorgeous portrait of a springtime male blackburnian warbler, a coniferous forest bird that sings and nests in the tops of the tallest mature spruce and fir trees across ...
No longer just a place of alligators and outlaws, the Everglades, Florida's largest national park, are today a prized, unique ...