He 100% swore to me nothing more has happened besides the texting. He claims he likes the attention. This other woman knows ...
How do I politely tell my family I don't want people visiting at my home. I'm happy to meet with people elsewhere, in public ...
DEAR INTROVERT: Do not allow anyone to make you feel defensive. If you want to get your point across, simply repeat what you ...
Those stories have grown to monumental proportions, and two of my children and several of my grandchildren no longer want to ...
My son just told me his daughter, age 26, is getting breast enhancement surgery. My question is, how do I address that when next I see her, probably ...
DEAR ABBY: We all meet acquaintances and say, “Let’s grab dinner.” We intend to follow through but forget. A while back, my wife and I made a list of 10 other couples we would like to get to ...
DEAR ABBY: I gave my stepdaughter a blank check to pay for my wife’s birthday party. She consulted me about the choice of the restaurant but did not talk to me about anything else. She had ...
My relationship with my partner hasn’t been the greatest, but we are both working on ourselves to become better partners. Recently, I found out he has been texting ...
DEAR ABBY: I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, tidy and generally organized. Over time, her behavior ...
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I went for our annual checkups seven months ago. We were both overweight and told by our respective doctors that we needed to make some lifestyle changes to improve our health.
DEAR ABBY: I gave my stepdaughter a blank check to pay for my wife’s birthday party. She consulted me about the choice of the restaurant but did not talk to me about anything else. She had ...