Spring is just around the corner, and if you're wondering when to plant dahlias in pots, the wait is almost over. Knowing when you should plant dahlias directly into the ground is one thing ...
Lilies, meanwhile, are one of the best summer bulbs to grow for fragrance and for use as cut flowers. “These beautiful ...
As the UK sees more of the sun and more milder temperatures, our attentions turn to the garden - and to the endless jobs you ...
“You can give dahlias a head start by potting them up and growing in a frost-free greenhouse, porch or conservatory in ...
Dahlias come in various colors, shapes and sizes, making them easy to include in any garden, container and bouquet.
GARDENERS have been urged to dig deep and act fast to make the most of the summer weather. Green-thumbed experts have ...
Dahlias thrive in a sunny spot in fertile, well-drained soil. They're tender plants so can't be planted out until the danger of frost has passed in late spring, but on light soil their tubers can be ...
By pairing varieties together, it’s possible to make stunning combinations in both borders and pots, says Clark. “Dahlias work particularly well for this, for example the contrasting textures ...
Dahlias will come back every year, but if you live in an area with cold winters, it's best to move them indoors in autumn. Those planted in pots can simply be moved to a frost-free spot, such as an ...
But have you given thought to what containers you’ll use? A durable dahlia. A vigorous vinca. Here are 20 new garden plants ...
In the garden in March, turn your attention to planting bare-root roses, herbaceous perennials and hedges, just in time for ...