If there’s one dog that takes night watch duties seriously, it’s the German Shepherd. These four-legged workaholics ... ‘The night is young, and so are we! Border Collies aren’t just smart—they’re ...
A: Discovering your dog has ingested a human medication can be a terrifying experience. Human medications are often toxic to ...
Poodles have some of the most winning traits you find in dogs. But the real surprise comes in when you get to combine the ...
A lucky audience at the ACC Women's Basketball Tournament was reminded of this when a group of talented pups took to the ...
A herding mix can't stand his owner's new boyfriend and an English Bulldog who is defensive towards visitors.
Giant Schnoodle Yet another Poodle mix appears, this time mixed with the Giant Schnauzer ... t shed but requires weekly brushing to maintain its beauty. 24. Bearded Collie The Bearded Collie, a medium ...