The telescopes were used not only to aim the beams precisely but also to further confine the beam of the coherent laser light, which diverges very little even without telescopic aid. Alley ...
Generating X-rays that have the properties of laser light has been a long-standing goal for experimental science. Here we describe the emission of highly collimated, spatially coherent X-rays ...
particularly coherent light, for communication. It highlights the development of lasers at Bell Telephone Laboratories, explaining how they produce a highly controlled and intense beam of light ...
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), the leader in advanced laser technology, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking 793nm pump laser diode, setting a new industry standard with an impressive ...
Coherent Corp. has announced the launch of its new 793nm pump laser diode, which features 28W of reliable power and 97% polarization purity, setting a new standard in laser technology. This ...
Figure B1 shows imaging of a test sample using 13 nm coherent light. A resolution of 92 nm is obtained, limited only by the flux of the EUV source. Higher repetition rate ultrafast lasers ...
Coherent Corp. PITTSBURGH, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), the leader in advanced laser technology, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking 793nm pump ...