Advice: Reduced speed limit. Allow extra travel time. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow ...
The state's Blue Envelope Program is looking to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the autistic community by creating ...
Q: Paul Benoit of Riverside said he and his wife recently noticed several blue strobe lights atop tall poles in various ...
A judge is considering granting acquittal or a new trial to Michael Shane Lester, who was convicted of murder linked to a ...
The day is coming soon when some of Collier County's most dangerous intersections will have blue light technology that will hopefully help reduce an aspect of Southwest Florida traffic that is ...
Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Today's hyperlocal stories are available here. The previous Blue Mountains traffic article can be viewed here.
A truck driver was struck and killed exiting a disabled vehicle around 8 a.m. March 17, which closed all eastbound lanes of ...
This commenter said patients "always" complain about getting to the hospital and "nightmare" afternoon traffic means it can ...
Residents pushed back against replacing traffic lights with stop signs at the Sylvania city council meeting Tuesday. Trump releases classified files on JFK assassination. Here's what they say.
Traffic will be able to use Livingston Road ... Once they are installed will the blue lights at 20 of Collier County's most dangerous intersections help curtail red light runners?