Used in previous centuries for tasks ranging from waterproofing canoes to paving roads, the abundant bitumen found in Alberta's Athabasca Oil Sands may serve another purpose: securing Canada's ...
Also known as "oil sands," bitumen shares the attributes of heavy oil but is even more dense and viscous. Natural bitumen has a viscosity greater than 10,000 cP. In comparison with heavy oil ...
We also know that it is inefficient to convert oil sands into usable fuel relative ... what is involved in producing gasoline from the bitumen mined in places like Fort McMurray, Alberta, and ...
Oil shale is a form of sedimentary rock that contains kerogen, which is released as a petroleum-like liquid when the rock is heated. Tar sands are a combination of clay, sand, water and bitumen, which ...
This story appears in the March 2009 issue of National Geographic magazine. One day in 1963, when Jim Boucher was seven, he was out working the trap­line with his grandfather a few miles south of ...
Alberta’s government is moving ahead with plans to allow oil sands producers to pay their royalties in bitumen, letting it ...
Producing large quantities of the usable green carbon fibres could prove challenging, says Fibernx President Yasmine Abdin ...
An oilfield infrastructure company wants to use deep-well injection to sequester billions of barrels of oil sands mine water ...