A bonus: the chance to read excerpts from a new thriller submitted by one of Cam’s clients, which form part of the book.
Most secularists believe that these religious apocalyptic visions of the future are absurd, although many secularists themselves fervently believe that artificial intelligence, run away genetic ...
Debate was sparked on the back of Scott Pendlebury's surprise sub role, and after a large crop of first-gamers lit up the ...
6-10 p.m. March 28. Downtown New Port Richey. The Bazaar is a monthly, evening, outdoor market throughout Downtown New Port ...
The New York Historical honor goes to Randall K. Wilson, whose “A Place Called Yellowstone” chronicles a landscape “capable ...
Not just a great writer, Poe had a circle of friends and family that cared for and about him, says the author of a new ...
“Original Sins,” “Strike,” “Notes on Surviving the Fire,” and “There Lives a Young Girl in Me Who Will Not Die.” ...
Author and publisher Felice Picano has passed away at age 81, but he leaves behind a legacy of gay literature.