Mathematik im Alltag erlebbar zu machen, Interesse an dem Fach zu wecken und seine Attraktivität auch in der Schule nachhaltig zu verbessern, ist das Ziel von MOIN, der Modellregion Industriemathemati ...
Hamminkeln. Anna (15) aus Hamminkeln nimmt bei der Castingshow „The Voice Kids“ teil. Was sie beim Dreh in Berlin erlebt hat.
A new proposal now working its way through Springfield would require Illinois public libraries to keep opioid overdose ...
Jahrelang postet ein rätselhaftes Genie namens Cleo im Netz Lösungen zu Matheproblemen. Nun zeigt sich, wer dahintersteckte.
Anna was 105 when she died on Feb. 27, 1964 in Washington, D.C. A memorial service was held in a chapel on the campus of Saint Augustine’s College where she began her academic career. She is buried ...
The WOW! Children’s Museum in Lafayette is working to make sure girls stay interested in science, technology, engineering and ...
Illinois Math and Science Academy senior Jordan Henry and Illinois State Rep. Anna Moeller worked together to draft the legislation. Both joined WGN’s Evening News at 6 p.m. Wednesday to further ...
Texas national competitors, coach and representatives from the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. MATHCOUNTS Competition Ser ...
The coronavirus pandemic has had a lasting impact on schools and students, with many still feeling the effects of virtual ...
Hundreds of dogs, 33 mushers, and thousands of onlookers gathered along the trail of the 53rd Iditarod this year.Nenana ...
This Pi Day, March 14, Piesanos will donate $3.14 from every full-price large pizza sold to Habitat for Humanity, for its 40th anniversary.