C erberus, the hound of Hades, was the three-headed guard dog of the Underworld. He was Hades’s beloved pet, entrusted with guarding the gates of the realm of the dead. Under Cerberus’s ...
While the “frivolous East” may have been happy to venerate men as though they were gods, the serious men of the Roman ...
Aeneas goes there in the Aeneid. Odysseus does it in the Odyssey. Orpheus does it to Monteverdi. Opera and underworld. They go to the underworld or Hades or hell. We would have accepted.
Looking to get some help from Ares in Hades II? In the second major patch since the game launched in early access, the ...
Absolum' is a brilliant twist on the beat 'em up genre that finally takes 'Hades' innovations in a bold new direction.
Hades 2's newest Warsong Update adds more content that brings fans closer to the endgame, so this is the perfect time to start now.
Hades 2: The Warsong update has been revealed, and it adds a final boss to the last level even though the game's still in Early Access. The roguelike sequel first launched in Early Access last May ...
Now Playing | Experiencing all the balances, tweaks, and narrative beats being added in real time is one of the greatest joys of playing Hades 2 When you purchase through links on our site ...
He joined The Verge in 2019 after nearly two years at Techmeme. Hades II just received its second major update as part of its early access development, which was a great excuse for me to jump back in.
Gameplay is being refreshed and expanded by the introduction of Ares, the god of war, and his associated Boons as well as several reworked Arcana effects. Furthermore, there are additional ...