The trailblazing Harvard scientist, who documented the dominance of hydrogen and helium in stars, is still inspiring ...
The skull of an Aboriginal man who is thought to have been killed by colonizers in the early 19th century has been returned ...
It did not happen in Madras till 1947. Mysore achieved it by administrative fiat as early as 1908-1909,” said historian ...
Authors of a fire modeling study focused on one of the few remaining old-growth forests in the Lake Tahoe Basin are pointing ...
I have not yet found St. Joseph de Kent, but I have been reading some interesting books in the search for it. Today, I would ...
Indian herbalists make extravagant claims for ashwagandha. But recent research shows that it offers significant sexual ...
The president has been buffeted by negative market reaction to his international trade war. This is his sixth trip to ...
Numismatics, the study and collection of coins, paper money, tokens, medals and related objects, is indeed a serious and ...
Whale poo is responsible for moving tonnes of nutrients from deep water up to the surface. Now new research shows that whales also move vast quantities of nitrogen thousands of kilometres in their ...
The course gives an overview of American literature in the nineteenth century with major emphasis on the American ... Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register ...
In the early parts of the 19th century, midwifery was the most customary practice ... The 1910 Flexner Report recommended hospital deliveries and the abolition of midwifery. The study has since been ...