The trailblazing Harvard scientist, who documented the dominance of hydrogen and helium in stars, is still inspiring ...
The New York Historical honor goes to Randall K. Wilson, whose “A Place Called Yellowstone” chronicles a landscape “capable ...
LNP | LancasterOnline • PO Box 1328 • Lancaster, PA 17608-1328 • 717-291-8611 ...
If there is such a thing as a gay sensibility, Welch was one of its great exemplars. His acute feeling for the texture, ...
Today, the Folio Society is releasing a new 25th anniversary edition of Perdido Street Station, the iconic novel by author China Miéville. First published in 20 ...
I have not yet found St. Joseph de Kent, but I have been reading some interesting books in the search for it. Today, I would ...
Analysis - Debating Ideas reflects the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, ...
Learn about the oldest known cookbook by a Black American woman, and why it's being republished for the first time in 160 ...
Historian Benjamin Heber Johnson, reared in Houston, retells Texas history in a way that will appeal to a broad range of the state's readers.
Behind Putin’s war—and any discussions about peace—is a two-century-old fiction about the two countries’ unity.
The Trump administration’s response to court orders raises questions about the balance of powers and judicial enforcement ...
This cosy little backstreet pub has a colourful history and it was singled out by the star as the best in the city ...