GloRilla follows Gelo’s verse with her inimitable North Memphis swagger, rhyming about getting head and letting us know, “Say I’m the best he ever had? Ah for real? No shit,” pushing ...
NBA hopeful turned rapper Gelo (also known as LiAngelo Ball) looks like he’s taking his music career seriously, despite the meme-ready roots of his breakout single “Tweaker.” Not resting on ...
At the top of 2025, LiAngelo Ball, rapping under the name Gelo, released “Tweaker,” a weirdly perfect pastiche of early-’00s Louisiana rap. It’s one of the catchiest songs that the year ha ...
It'll be hard for "Can You Please" to match the heights of “Tweaker,” but Ball — also known as GELO — has proven capable of surprises. David Suggs is a content producer at The Sporting News.
In 2018, Lonzo Ball was selected to play in the NBA All-Star Rising Stars Challenge. In 2022, Lonzo's youngest brother, LaMelo Ball, made his NBA All-Star Game. Fast forward three years and their ...
アルゼンチン・サンタフェ州 元女子世界2階級制覇王者天海ツナミ(40=山木)が王座返り咲きを逃した。IBFライトフライ級3位、WBO同級1位とし ...
同級のIBF3位、WBO1位天海ツナミ(40=山木)が統一王者エブリン・ナザレナ・ベルムデス(28=アルゼンチン)に挑戦する。7日(同8日)には同地 ...
大食いYouTuberのツヤン(tzuyang、本名:パク・ジョンウォン)を脅迫して、お金を喝取した疑いで起訴された炎上系YouTuberのクジェヨク(本名 ...
決算期 売上高 経常益 最終益 1株益 1株配 発表日 ...
概要 車用締結金具を製造。シート・窓開閉用ボルト・ナットなど。冷間鍛造技術に強み。