NEWS ANALYSIS. By arming Ukraine with one hand and dealing with Russia with the other, without applying Western sanctions against Moscow, Ankara is playing a fine balancing act.
Lecornu further stated, "We are not selling this platform to Turkey." He reiterated France's stance that diplomacy is the only path for Turkey, not intervention.
Women have taken to the streets of cities across Europe, Africa, South America and elsewhere to mark International Women’s Day with demands for ending inequality and gender-based violence.
Turkey would be the winner ... Analyst Bayram Balci, a Turkish foreign policy expert at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, said the PKK understood the regional context had changed.
Jailed militant leader Abdullah Ocalan's call for his Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) to disband and lay down its arms after decades of armed struggle has been widely hailed as a historic moment for
Experts believe that the Climate Law draft is designed to regulate potential economic gains from climate change rather than addressing the issue itself.
With the frigid weather a couple weeks ago, it’s hard to believe spring turkey season is only a month away. We were all dressed like Eskimos but true to the nature of Texas weather, we were in shirt sleeves a few days ago.