New Hubble Space Telescope imagery of the Saturn show it's 'ring spokes' in orbit around the gas giant planet. Credit: | Science: Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC) / Animation: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)
Known as the "Parade of Planets," the celestial event will feature appearances from Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune and Saturn through the end of January, according to Farmer's Almanac. Mercury will emerge in the night sky at the end of February, replacing Saturn.
NASA Voyager 1 probe discovers Saturn’s moon, Epimetheus. Saturn would be the last planet Voyager 1 would visit before beginning its ongoing journey out of the solar system. The probe entered interstellar space in August 2012.
On this date, Jan. 29, 1859, American astronomer William Cranch Bond died. Cranch and his son, George Phillps Bond, discovered Hyperion, Saturn’s eighth moon and an inner ring called Ring C.
All month, four planets — Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars — will appear to line up and be bright enough to see with the naked eye in the first few hours after dark, according to NASA.
NASA's NIAC program is investing in visionary ideas that could revolutionize space exploration. From fusion-powered spacecraft to lunar habitats made of glass and robots designed to explore icy moons,
Jupiter's Great Red Spot storm, which usually appears dark-red, can be seen shining a lurid blue color in an ultraviolet image of the planet.
In a nutshell Scientists found pristine salt minerals in asteroid Bennu samples that formed in a specific sequence as ancient water evaporated, similar to how Earth’s salt lakes form today These delicate space salts,
Dr. Kelly Miller from the South West Research Institute and Lead author of a paper about Titan’s atmosphere said “While just 40% the diameter of the Earth, Titan has an atmosphere 1.5 times as dense as the Earth’s, even with a lower gravity, walking on the surface of Titan would feel a bit like scuba diving!”
Asteroid samples fetched by NASA hold not only the pristine building blocks for life but also the salty remains of an ancient water world..
The discovery is a capstone achievement for NASA, which went to great lengths to secure and deliver asteroid samples from asteroid Bennu in 2020.