Scala 3.5.1 is now available! This release focused mostly on fixes to bugs, however, it also included some DX improvements. You can now use -language:help to see the list of available language ...
A pattern is built from constants, constructors, variables and type tests. Pattern matching tests whether a given value (or sequence of values) has the shape defined by a pattern, and, if it does, ...
Copyright (c) 2011- Lightbend, Inc. Scala is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”). Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in ...
A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a trait or class of objects or of a single object. Templates form part of instance creation ...
A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a trait or class of objects or of a single object. Templates form part of instance creation expressions, class definitions, and ...
A pattern is built from constants, constructors, variables and type tests. Pattern matching tests whether a given value (or sequence of values) has the shape defined by a pattern, and, if it does, ...
Scala programs are written using the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) character set; Unicode supplementary characters are not presently supported. This chapter defines the two modes of Scala's ...
Scala collections systematically distinguish between mutable and immutable collections. A mutable collection can be updated or extended in place. This means you can change, add, or remove elements of ...
On behalf of the Scala team at Lightbend, I’d like to share our plans with you, and invite you to join us in shaping Scala’s roadmap for 2017. As this is a collective effort, and roadmaps evolve, ...
A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a trait or class of objects or of a single object. Templates form part of instance creation ...
When defining a field, the Scala compiler creates up to four accessors for it: a getter, a setter, and if the field is annotated with @BeanProperty, a bean getter and a bean setter. When defining a ...