War, poverty, exploitation, oppression and worldwide environmental destruction are products of the capitalist system, a system in which a minority ruling class profits from the labor of the majority.
Socialist Worker was the publication of the International Socialist Organization (U.S.) from the group’s founding in April 1977 until its dissolution in 2019. Many hundreds of ISO members and ...
Contact the administrators of the SocialistWorker.org archive with a message or a question by filling out the form below. Previously published by the International Socialist Organization.
In tomato fields in Immokalee, Fla., in a shipyard in Pascagoula, Miss., in the sweatshops of LA, immigrant workers are enduring modern-day slavery. What can turn labor in a new direction?
Here, we've collected Paul D'Amato's biweekly columns on "The Meaning of Marxism" that look at the basic ideas and theories of the Marxist tradition and how to apply them in today's world.
El derecho a elegir es solamente uno de los aspectos del tema mucho más amplio de los derechos reproductivos, es decir, el derecho de la mujer a controlar su cuerpo y su vida reproductiva.
There are a couple ways to look through previous issues of Socialist Worker. You can browse our collections of featured articles, compiled on a series of pressing political issues. Or you can look ...
THINK ABOUT what you've read at our site over the past year--and then imagine if we hadn't been able to publish it. Then think about if you can help us financially to make sure that doesn't happen ...
The International Socialist Organization is holding daylong conferences on several themes during October and November. Come and join us for a discussion about these important questions--and the ...
Abortion is harder to obtain for many women today than several decades ago, and support for the right to choose has declined.
Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries and speeches of everyday Americans, the documentary feature film The People Speak, produced and narrated by the late, great ...
The new daily SocialistWorker.org turned one year old on May Day. When we started this daily source for news and opinion from the left a year ago, we couldn't have guessed how right the time was.