Please remember that your self-care space could come in the form of a room, a self-care closet, or even an easily-accessible ...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is often called seropositive or seronegative. Seropositive refers to the presence of RA autoantibodies in the blood. Seronegative means these autoantibodies are not in the ...
Hello. I just found this site and am thankful to all of you for the information and the sharing. I was recently diagnosed with moderate RA. I already knew I had osteo-arthritis but this diagnosis is ...
It’s been a rough few months with an increase in fatigue, a noticeable lack of energy, difficulty sleeping soundly, and low motivation levels. It just feels like I’m sick all the time. This recent ...
Disclaimer: Some of the programs mentioned below have been discontinued. We're in the process of updating this information. Managing a chronic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can be made more ... is a Health Union community. Health Union reaches millions of people through condition-specific online health communities and a Social Health Network of patient leaders across ...
Has anyone ever said to you, “Well, if you have to have Rheumatoid Arthritis, now is the best time to have it”? If you have heard this while experiencing a flare or shortly after your diagnosis, you ...
I’ve spent my whole life with joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. In my younger years, it was chalked up to growing pains or injuries from being athletic. It wasn’t until I was 30 years old and ...
We are living in an age of ever-increasing medical options. While it is wonderful to have options, the process of finding which medicine regimen works best can be daunting, and even sickening, ...
Check out the latest updates from our community of members living with rheumatoid arthritis.
RA symptoms tend to occur in joints evenly on both sides of the body. 1 If left untreated, RA will destroy the joints. This can make it hard for a person with RA to carry out normal daily tasks and ...