Develop your employability and team-working while consulting on a live business project. QConsult allows you to utilise your creativity and problem solving skills while working on a live consultancy ...
Transferable skills are the foundation of career stability and advancement in today’s dynamic workforce. By focusing on ...
The RIBA supports architects and their work. Join today to access exclusive content, practical tools and member-only resources. Membership includes free registration for students, and categories for ...
To fill the gap, multinational companies in India are taking the route of employability tests to filter ... The test is focussed to assess fresher skills for entry-level jobs — that require ...
Statistical data gathered will also be used to report to Council committees and to the Local Employability Partnership as well as Scottish Government. The response data collected will be shared with ...
Aberdeen City Council will collect this data to inform improvements and actions which relate to supporting you as an individual and more generally where a lack of specific type(s) of employability ...