Millions of people in Queensland and northern New South Wales under warnings to hunker down or evacuate, with flights, trains ...
Fans are encouraged to use the map of Australia below to locate their local ... in acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of local land and a further step in continuing a conversation about ...
First Languages Australia manages the map, community contributions and its ... the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.
Australia: the continent where you’re guaranteed to hear the phrase ‘g’day!’ wherever you go and home to a hopping animal, around twice as common as humans. Commonly called ‘the land ...
The different shades of the map show the intensity of the land grabs in each country ... of Blue on the precision of Grain's "land grab" term in the case of one Australian land grab here.
The different shades of the map show the intensity of the land grabbing performed ... of Blue on the precision of Grain's "land grab" term in the case of one Australian land grab here.