Dr. Carrie Jose, in her latest Health and Wellness column, shares six ways to help manage knee arthritis, and stay active ...
We assessed the efficacy of progressive soft tissue distraction using monolateral external fixation in the management of severe knee flexion contractures. We prospectively evaluated 10 knee ...
That’s because hip flexors—the muscles that allow flexion at the hip joint—play ... allowing you to bring your knee toward your chest as you run,” explains Amanda Nurse, an elite ...
2,3 Results Independent t tests revealed statistically significant differences between healthy controls and participants with AT for both test speeds and positions (p = 0.004 for concentric 90º/sec in ...
All exercises were performed at a position of 60° knee flexion. Three trials lasting 5 s each were performed for each of the three exercises. EMG data from each muscle were integrated and the maximum ...