Netflix, Toxic Town and A True Story

Set in a post-industrial Northamptonshire town, the Corby Litigation Case was a landmark one with worldwide legal and medical ...
Netflix's four-part miniseries Toxic Town re-investigates one of the biggest environmental scandals in the Northamptonshire town of Corby in the 1990s.
What to expect from Netflix's drama 'Toxic Town' based on the real life Corby poisonings.
Netflix’s Minkie Spiro-directed ‘Toxic Town’ is a limited drama chronicling the infamous Corby toxic waste case that can only ...
The true story of Netflix’s latest hit TV show is almost hard to believe. Toxic Town tells the tale of families in Corby, ...
Toxic Town is a true story based on the case of the Corby poisonings that happened in Northamptonshire in the 1980s and 1990s ...