Every zoo has its own special exhibits and projects for visitors to explore, but the Denver Zoo is celebrating the arrival of ...
Some new residents coming to the Utica Zoo in May may roar louder than the lions, stand taller than the giraffes (if the zoo ...
Hamilton Zoo director Baird Fleming said staff were “severely impacted” by the loss of beloved 19-year-old giraffe Dume. Dume ...
The Cincinnati Zoo's spring season is returning, reopening many attractions that are typically closed to visitors during winter months.
Looking for a spring break activity? Two Florida zoos placed on this list of the top 10 best in the country. Here's when to ...
The Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance welcomed its newest resident early Friday morning — a male reticulated giraffe calf born ...
A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
Riverbanks Zoo and Garden received two wins from a reader's choice competition. The zoo is now a top 10 zoo due to their ...
It’s been a whopping 121 years since the Johannesburg Zoo was established. The iconic landmark is celebrating the milestone ...
"We have our staff go through to plan and reenact [these scenarios], so it's second nature." The zoo will make "short-term ...
Like the zoo's giraffes, the evening's success was towering, raising more than $1.3 million. To learn more about The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens or to make a donation, visit livingdesert.org.
This is the first giraffe born at the Denver Zoo since the 2017 birth of Dobby, who is now the oldest giraffe in their herd.