Unlike many orioles, it frequently visits bird feeders that offer fruit, jelly, or nectar. ・Often parasitized by Bronzed Cowbirds, which lay their eggs in oriole nests. The Yellow-bellied ...
Monotypic (smaller, darker resident birds in southern Appalachians sometimes ... and the back is more extensively scalloped with yellow-buff. Adult male: forecrown, chin, and throat red, outlined ...
With the addition of purple-backed sunbird, known as Baijani Dhade Bungechara, Nepal’s bird count has risen to 898.
The Rocky Mountain and Great Basin representative of the yellow-bellied sapsucker complex, the red-naped sapsucker closely resembles the yellow­bellied sapsucker, and the 2 hybridize in ...
Groundhogs don’t live in our region, but yellow-bellied marmots do. And in case you didn’t notice, they live in the shadow of their groundhog cousins. But these rodents with tummies the color ...