Heat islands can run 17 degrees F hotter than a city’s cooler areas. Studying them now may yield ideas for mitigating future warming. ByRyan Morris and Ryan Williams This story appears in the ...
The increase in extreme heat in the region puts vulnerable populations at risk of heat-related illness and death. Communities ...
During the day, natural landscapes like forests and fields absorb and release heat gradually. But in cities, all these buildings, roads, and sidewalks, all of that concrete? They act like giant heat ...
A 30-meter raster map of Urban Heat Island for the U.S. Cities was collected from the Trust for Public Land website and used to measure heat in east Las Vegas. The original data is derived from 10 ...
New Houston-area maps released Tuesday confirm that residents ... URBAN DATA: Largest heat-mapping campaign in U.S. focuses on urban heat island effect in Harris County Stephanie Piper, project ...
Environmental group leaders are working with Portsmouth residents to help solve the city’s urban heat problem, including by mapping the city’s hot spots, planting hundreds of new trees ...