Residents can also call the non-emergency police number, 586-731-2121, and find out if a company is registered to go ...
A branch weighing more than 300 pounds falls against a Sedgwick County homeowner, pinning him 35 feet up a tree.
A Lancaster County man is facing charges after reportedly setting two tree-trimming service trucks on fire in Manor ...
Lake Park is scheduled for routine tree trimming from March 19-21 as part of park maintenance for safety and beautification.
With the borderland experiencing gusty windstorms, El Paso Electric is offering free tree trimming services. These services ...
A man who went missing has been identified as the victim of an execution-style killing in Northern California that was ...
Before trimming a tree or vegetation or picking fruits, make sure there is no power line going through them to avoid injury ...
The Indiana Department of Transportation will temporarily close lanes and shoulders on U.S. 41 near Princeton.
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — A Sedgwick County homeowner had to be rescued Tuesday afternoon when his attempt to trim a tree went very wrong. He was about 35 feet up the tree when a branch weighing ...