Regulars at this here shebeen know that we have little or no use for Timothy Dolan, cardinal archbishop of ... fellow members ...
So His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan invited a few of the faithful for breakfast before the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Although he loves New York and New York loves him, not a huge crowd.
NEW YORK-- New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan turns 75 Thursday. Consequently, he has to submit his resignation to the Vatican. For now, it's just a formality required by church law, but it starts ...
Cardinal Timothy Dolan presided over Sunday Mass in St. John's, Newfoundland, where his flight to Ireland was diverted due to ...
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, joined "Fox & Friends" on Friday morning to share a message of hope and resilience for this coming Easter Sunday. Dolan mentioned the recent killing ...
N ew York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who is both ecclesiastically and politically one of the most important Catholics in the ...