The Gospel of Matthew is concerned with the position of these early Christian churches within Israel, or in its relationship to what we call Judaism. And these are concerns that belong to the time ...
How did he earn these titles and why? Jesus the miracle worker - CCEA Matthew records many occasions when Jesus helped people on the fringes of society. The Kingdom of God - CCEA Matthew explains ...
Matthew’s Gospel commences with a genealogy of Jesus ... and the birth of Jesus. As a secondary theme, the four women from Israel’s past may be Gentiles. Rahab is a Canaanite and Tamar is likely one, ...
The Gospel of Matthew (25:29) states ... Decoupling from the US theme song of higher-for-longer could threaten currencies—the Japanese yen, for instance, is at a 34-year low, the euro ...
This is one of the most dramatic events recorded in Matthew’s Gospel and reveals the true identity of Jesus. The word ‘transfigure’ means to change or be transformed. In this event Jesus ...
The Gospel of Matthew is concerned with the position of these early Christian churches within Israel, or in its relationship to what we call Judaism. And these are concerns that belong to the time ...
This gospel was written by a Jew, Matthew the tax-collector, for a Jewish Christian audience. The narrative closely follows the life of Jesus from his birth, through his ministry and unto his ...