Originating from Korea, Taekwondo is known for its lightning-fast and precise kicks. Using agile movements and acrobatic techniques, Taekwondo surely is one of the best martial arts techniques ...
Each Olympic taekwondo match consists of three rounds ... the contestant who has the most points scored for higher-value techniques in the following order: head, trunk, punch, gam-jeom If the high ...
Samyuktha Narayanan, a 7-year-old from Tamil Nadu, has been recognized as the youngest Taekwondo instructor ever by Guinness ...
The tournament took place in Taiwan for the first time on March 8-9. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and combat sport ...
Photo courtesy Kiffmann’s Maui Elite Taekwondo According to Miles, it is not simply about mastering techniques; it is about consistently giving your best effort and growing as an athlete and as ...
At the Korean Cultural Center, Master Lim Yeon-cheol conducts systematic and high-level Taekwondo classes. Participating students learn about techniques, sparring, self-defense, and the spirit of ...