That's according to Afrika Tikkun Group CEO, Marc Lubner,who says South Africa faces three deeply concerning realities: ...
Despite progress made in reversing pre-pandemic trends in the fight against TB, and awareness campaigns that have improved ...
As South Africa faces a proposed VAT increase, this article explores the complexities of the budget, the government's ...
South Africa is well-positioned to confront significant longstanding challenges that have been holding the economy back: ...
Deputy President Paul Mashatile has called for urgent and sustained efforts to address unemployment and inequality, ...
Reformulating dolus eventualis, deaths due to police action and custody deaths, poaching of marine living resources, among ...
Beneath the surface of the city’s energy lies the unspoken reality of substance abuse, homelessness, and poverty — a crisis that grips South Africa’s youth with unrelenting ferocity.
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah tells BBC she understands pressure she faces as Africa's second directly elected female leader ...
Many years ago, murders were committed in simpler ways, such as in moments of anger using a knife or firearm. Other methods included poisoning or strangulation. Murders also occur at social gatherings ...
In the United States, the non-profit organisation The Bail Project provides bail funding to thousands of people who cannot ...
Such efforts would ensure that citizens are job-ready or able to launch businesses, enhancing South Africa’s global ...