Most yoga poses can be performed on a chair ... poor posture and is a great option to avoid tension and pain from sitting in the same position. One study even found that chair yoga done at ...
Mountain pose is the most basic yoga position and it helps in proper alignment. Standing tall with feet together and arms at ...
You must have noticed that yoga sessions usually start with simple poses like sukhasana or the Easy Pose. It is a sitting cross-legged yoga pose that can reduce stress, and improve your posture.
Yoga and breathing techniques help calm your nervous system, which puts your body in a more relaxed state, ideal to help you fall asleep. However, you need to know the right poses to make that ...
Here are the top 10 effective and most powerful yoga poses to beat stress and anxiety at night, and enjoy a peaceful night ...
This is Yoga for Sitters. These poses help to open your joints, stretch your muscles, and undo the damage of sitting at our desks all day. Come over to the mat. And we're going to lie down to begin.
The good news? Yoga poses, specifically pigeon pose—also known as eka pada rajakapotasana in Sanskrit—can help by stretching ...
How to boost your energy naturally in the morning? Try to practice these 7 effective yoga poses to give you body instant ...
As you come to your yoga mat, put your hands on the floor and take table pose. You can start to warm ... Now, just come to sitting on your heels. Bring the legs out in front of you.
Plow pose, as crazy as it looks, is a great way to prepare yourself for a good night's rest. (Getty Images) ...
Hours of sitting leads to slouching, tight hips, and a stiff back. But here’s the good news: Yoga has some great remedies for these desk-job side effects, explains Malik. Take Bridge Pose and ...