The following United Nations General Terms and Conditions of Contract are annexed to the UNPD contract documents as appropriate and form an integral part of the contract documents. General ...
This set of data includes listings of large value contracts awards that were executed by the World Bank Group, pursuant to its Corporate Procurement Policies and Procedures. The listing includes both ...
The guiding principle for contracts for the purchase of goods or services is that campus purchasers own the contracting process. This requires University employees involved in these purchases to take ...
A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a legally binding agreement between the University of Nevada, Reno (University) and an external entity (e.g., another academic institution, private company, federal or ...
On the Contracts Awards web pages, the UN Procurement Division publishes newly awarded Contracts by UN Secretariat entities resulting from formal methods of solicitation with an NTE amount higher ...
Procurement and Payment Services has established contracts with vendors for a variety of products and services. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in being on the bid ...
Supply chain professionals must understand the domestic and international laws and legal processes that bound their strategic decisions and business planning. This concentration is aimed towards both ...
This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Data Provider will Disclose the following to the Data Recipient: List of Data to Be Disclosed (AKA: Data Set): Except as ...
Contract Management, a department within Procurement and Business Services, oversees the review and execution of all non-research agreements and/or contracts, including independent consultant ...