Professor Arch Mainous is studying the impact that chronic ... the largest studies of its kind, Mainous found that people with chronic inflammation who also live in poverty had a 127% increased ...
It also sheds light on the impact of taxes, transfers, and subsidies on poverty and inequality in 94 countries before 2020, providing important new insights into the impacts of fiscal policy not only ...
The Southern Poverty Law Center works to dismantle white supremacy in public forums and online, exposes hate and ...
Research shows a possible return to society of $1.24 for every dollar invested in increasing the JobSeeker rate.
China has worked hard to reduce the number of citizens who live in poverty. The number of people in China who earn less than $1.90 (£1.25) per day, which is the line the World Bank uses to ...
Research indicates that good parenting improves newborns' cognitive and language skills, but its effectiveness is limited by ...
2. b) According to The World Bank in its report Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2016, the global poverty estimate for 2013 was 767 million people, who are predominantly rural, young, poorly educated ...
Scotland’s public debt crisis and its impact on child poverty was addressed at a national conference, hosted by Scottish children’s charity Aberlour and the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Public ...
Stay informed with Hindustan Times' live updates! Track the latest lifestyle news including fashion trends, style guide & ...