Objective: Hamstring strains are one of the most common muscle strains in athletes; however, complete rupture of the proximal hamstring origin is rare and results from significant trauma. The ...
The answer lies in the origin and insertion points of my hamstrings. Because these amazing muscles originate on my sitting bone and insert just below the back of my knee, if I round my back like ...
Avulsion injuries of the hamstring origin are rather rare injuries that do occur and which clinicians need to be aware of in order to properly evaluate and treat the condition. The information I ...
Rationale Hamstring injuries are common in elite sports. Muscle injury classification systems aim to provide a framework for diagnosis. The British Athletics Muscle Injury Classification (BAMIC) ...
Goal brings you all you need to know about the affliction. Hamstring muscles are found in the back of the thigh (above the knee) and there are three parts involved in movement. On the outside we ...