No matter your style, this vintage-inspired furniture trend will add charm and interest. Check out how to include an item ...
If you want to hunt for "Golden Era" furniture, first you need to understand what that actually means - and that's a more ...
This is the classic furniture that people are searching for most and buying for their projects this year, according ...
We found Wayfair furniture and decor that looks just like vintage pieces, including sofas, chairs, mirrors, lamps, and more, ...
It’s not always obvious what to do with some pieces of furniture. Most of us hang on to family heirlooms even if we don’t ...
La Maison Supreme opened its Westchester storefront in 2023 as a fresh addition to its 13-year-old Hudson location. The store is home to antiques of all kinds including sofas, bookcases, chinaware, ...
Dibs surveyed designers on the top vintage furniture and decor they're sourcing for projects. From Art Deco chairs to Art ...