In 2011 oil sands extraction used 170 million cubic meters of water, or about enough to satisfy New York City's water demands for more than a month. In-situ drilling returns one barrel of oil for ...
In an Q4 earnings call to shareholders, U.S. refinery giant Marathon Petroleum Company unequivocally told investors they plan ...
Imperial Oil Limited IMO, a significant player in Canada’s energy sector, is renowned for its involvement in the exploration, production and sale of crude oil and natural gas. As a subsidiary of Exxon ...
Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ) stands out with record production, low costs, strong dividends, and growth potential, ...
An oilfield infrastructure company wants to use deep-well injection to sequester billions of barrels of oil sands mine water ...
Canadian Natural Resources stands strong with resilient oil sands assets, efficient costs, and steady dividends, even amid ...
Tar sands oil — even the name sounds bad. And it is bad. In fact, oil from tar sands is one of the most destructive, carbon-intensive and toxic fuels on the planet. Producing it releases three times ...
The Center seeks to prevent any oil shale or tar sands development on public lands, including the unacceptable extraction and combustion of oil, the consumption of water and energy attending that ...
Extraction of the projected 1,115 billion barrels of recoverable oil from unconventional fuel sources such as Alberta’s oil sands and Colorado’s oil shale, which involve much more energy intensive ...