Cubicles were the hallmark of a dull, soul-sucking job. Now they seem like paradise lost. In a memorable montage from the 1999 workplace satire "Office Space," Peter Gibbons, a fed-up office drone ...
Grows well under fluorescent lighting without natural sunlight. It also grows without a pot or soil. You can even glue one to ...
The company wanted an inviting zen feel to its office space, so it worked with ROARKE to select a color palette with beiges, browns and greens. Designed during the height of the pandemic when it ...
Re:Urgent’ is a satirical art exhibition being held at Young Soy Gallery in Central featuring four office cubicles and a boss ...
When one imagines a corporate office space, what comes to mind is usually drab, gray walls, white cubicles, maybe even a couple of glass tables and black chairs – functional and sleek maybe but ...