When will my street be plowed? Snowplow trackers let you track Ohio snow cleanup progress Peering through ODOT's traffic cameras via OHGO, a website and mobile app from ODOT that provides drivers ...
Ohio lawmakers are trying to prevent road worker deaths and injuries by requiring a driving safety course if you speed or crash in a construction zone.
US-23 leading to Delaware County, along with US-33 on the southeast side and I-270 from US-33 to US-23 near Dublin, were ...
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Ohio — At ... requiring traffic changes in both directions. "The contractor that is performing the demolition work on the Sammis Plant has informed ODOT of upcoming traffic ...
The Ohio Department of Transportation reports that the I-90 West ramp to I-77 South has been reopened after emergency pavement repairs. ODOT adds that I-77 South over I-490 will be reduced to one ...
“I’m not sure who approved the final traffic pattern ... that they contacted the Ohio Department of Transportation regarding the problems. “I have emailed [ODOT] twice about this ...
The amount of salt and the number of hours worked all increased this year after Northeast Ohio experienced several mild winters.
How are the roads after the weekend's winter storm? Here's what the Ohio Department of Transportation's traffic cams are seeing.
And more is expected this week. So how are the roads? Here's how it's looking through the Ohio Department of Transportation's traffic cameras. There are, however, scattered reports of snow and ice ...