It’s a far cry from those halcyon days leading up to the first free and democratic elections in South Africa on April 27, 1994. Perhaps for the first time in centuries, the Cape of Good Hope ...
WASHINGTON (CNN)-- Former South African President Nelson Mandela is to ... President Bush signed Tuesday. Mandela and other members of the African National Congress have been on the list because ...
One episode focuses on Nelson Mandela ... member of the African National Congress (ANC), which advocated for the rights of Black South Africans. What was life like for Mandela in Johannesburg?
Nelson Mandela was a leader of the African National Congress, the main group arguing that all races should have equal rights and crucially, the vote. The ANC favoured peaceful protests ...
(CNN) — Here is a look at the life of Nelson ... Mandela meets Walter Sisulu, who helps him get a job at the law firm of Witkin, Sidelsky, and Eidelman. 1944 – Joins the African National ...