Partial heart transplants provide a range of lifesaving options for children with complex congenital heart conditions, and can lead to a domino effect of life-saving procedures.
The Duke team performed the world’s first living mitral valve replacement, a type of partial heart transplant, which Duke ...
Yale operates first the BATMAN procedure in CT, a less invasive heart treatment offering faster recovery and new hope for ...
At first disturbing, the life-long artist says she transformed the images in her mind to something more peaceful.
Capstan CEO Maggie Nixon discusses first-in-human feedback, the all-at-once approach, regulatory strategy and the tricuspid ...
Laplace Interventional, a US-based medical device company focusing on transcatheter valve technology, recently announced the ...
Mitral valve disease is a condition that affects the mitral valve, causing blood to leak backward or flow too slowly, and can lead to serious heart complications, and treatment options include ...