A Labour MP warned Sir Keir Starmer will face the "mother of all rebellions" unless he backtracks on slashing benefits.
Newsnight's Victoria Derbyshire asked the awkward question following the Government's newly-announced benefit cuts.
Dr Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo, the Minister of Labour, Jobs and Employment, has emphasised the Ministry’s commitment to ensuring a well-regulated labour migration system, which prioritises “ethical ...
"The rift between a tiny number of people at the top and the overwhelming majority of ordinary members and MPs is becoming a ...
Ministers say it’s their ‘moral duty’ to encourage sick and disabled people to work. But is this ‘morality’ driven by genuine ...
The Resolution Foundation said some people will feel a ‘really significant income loss’ as a result of the changes.
# LABOUR Minister Pia Glover-Rolle and Trade Union Congress (TUC) President Obie Ferguson disagree over how many of the TUC’s labour concerns have been addressed, with Mr Ferguson insisting that none ...
Ministry of Labour, represented by the National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking (NCCHT), launched the National Plan to Combat Human Trafficking 20242026.The plan ...
Quebec Labour Minister Jean Boulet tabled a bill that, if adopted, would give more power to the provincial government to ...