In reality, Rose's identity as a trans woman played a minor part in the Meep's plans being foiled, and the Fourteenth Doctor, Donna, and Rose's teamwork in the Meep's defeat was made possible because ...
Your Meep is ready! What will you and your new Doctor Who The Meep toy do together? Perhaps you'll go on lots of friendly adventures 🥰 ... Or will you give your friends and family a fright with ...
As well as Romana and the White Guardian, Mrs Flood’s fur coat evoked a certain furry fugitive encountered by the Fourteenth Doctor. But what reason would she possibly have to cosplay the Meep?!
It's had several sequels in Doctor Who Magazine and Big Finish ... are just enough to stop us marking time until Beep goes full Meep.
The episode also features a scene in which the doctor is scolded by Rose for referring to the alien creature, The Meep, as a male. The doctor says: "True. Yes, sorry. Good point...are you a he or ...