The semitendinosus and semimembranosus are two hamstrings that form the medial hamstring and these are long, thin muscles that form the inside of the posterior thigh group known as the hamstrings.
The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate whether hamstring-quadriceps co-activation altered knee joint motion and limited ACL elongation during a step-up task. Although preliminary ...
Background The medial hamstring muscle has the potential to prevent excessive dynamic valgus and external rotation of the knee joint during sports. Thus, specific training targeting the medial ...
Results: The female subjects had a higher M-EMG% for the medial hamstrings than the male subjects (31.73 (9.89) and 23.04 (8.59) respectively; t (2,32) = 2.732, p = 0.01) during walking. No other ...