The Gospel of Matthew is concerned ... for the gentiles. The disciples at the end of the gospels are sent out to all nations, and are asked to teach them what Jesus had taught the disciples.
Matthew was stabbed in the back. Philip the Apostle was called by Jesus Christ with 2 words – “Follow me.” John 1:43-51 recounts the calling of Philip and his friend Nathaniel. Philip was a ...
Read Are We, as God's Church, Living in a Way that Creates Disciples? by Greg Grandchamp and more articles about Church on ...
then warned them not to tell anyone that he was the Christ. Jesus wanted to know whether his disciples understood who he was, but first he asked them what other people were saying. The disciples ...
Jesus said that he could call for help from God, but then how would the prophecies in scripture come true? Then all the disciples left him and ran away. The Jewish leaders needed to arrest Jesus ...
You see, the new life in Christ is the kingdom of God that resides inside all believers. When Jesus was on earth, and ...
They claim that accepting Jesus Christ as personal Lord ... [Mark 16:16] At the end of Matthew's Gospel, Christ commanded the Apostles to baptize all people "in the name of the Father and of ...
First, the mission of Jesus. He is the Messiah whose coming was anticipated and prophesized throughout the Hebrew Bible, also ...
These are the last words of Matthew’s gospel. Jesus has completed his mission of salvation and is returning to the Father.
Now Matthew refashions the final scene of Mark's story. The women come to the tomb and discover that Jesus is gone. But this time the angel instructs them to tell the disciples that he has risen.